Our Story

What if we read you a story which starts with “Once Upon a Time”? So, here we go, just like fairy-tales…

It was a cup of coffee that started it, in a small room, with two young friends talking:

– “What Now?!”
– “Let’s bring change to the world! Let’s make it better place for our children and the children of the world!”
– “And how is. that?”
The answer is the story itself. That’s how Kideo’s idea was born: “Educational Apps for young children”.

The two of-course had their names: Mahmoud and Hasan. And very soon they were five: Muhammad, Adham, and Ahmad have joined the team. Together, they established a professional company specialized in designing educational Apps. They were thinking as professionals, but also as parents. And because they want the best for their children, they invested their best in producing the best products aimed for young children.

It was almost a happily-ever-after story, but because in life, just like in fairy tales, things happen; the heroes of our story had a terrible incident. Adham had a serious illness. Sadly, he passed away.

Mourning was in the scene. Sadness everywhere.

But this would not detain our heroes from rising up and keeping on with their friend’s mission. positive energy was on the scene again. They were more diligent now, more goal-oriented. The five are now fifteen! And the small room is a whole company now with a team including Early childhood education experts, as well as experienced software and program developers.

And that’s our story in short: Kideo’s family became friends for millions of children in the world. They also became a source of trust and safety for millions of parents in the world. All of Kideo’s apps are kid-friendly and worth downloading, as they are certainly not another brick on the wall. Now, Kideo’s family seeks to be a friend for every child in the world!

Let’s recap: KiDEO is certainly a gem in the nowadays crowded apps space. And just like in fairy tales, there is the magic, but all in educational and fun apps.

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